Cancellations & Returns

How do I cancel or return my device?

You may have decided to cancel or return your Grade mobile device because:

  1. You have changed your mind and wish to cancel:

    1. Within the Cooling Off period;

    2. After the Cooling Off period but within the lease term;

  2. Your device is defective or has developed an issue;

  3. You have reached the end of your lease term and want to upgrade or cancel.

How can I cancel?

If you want to cancel your agreement, please refer to our Cancellations and Returns Policy


You can cancel your agreement by:

contacting us via our website quoting your name, home address, phone number and details of the order; or


PLEASE NOTE that there may be fees associated with your Cancellation depending on:

  • if you are cancelling after the Cooling Off period;

  • if your device has been damaged or has become defective;

  • if your device has been opened / activated if it was new.


How can I return my defective Grade Mobile device?

If your device arrived defective or has developed an issue, we'd be happy to organise for its return for assessment. It may need to be repaired or may need to be replaced. To see what's covered please see Returns policy .


To initiate this process, please contact us quoting your name, home address, phone number and details of the order.


How can I return my device at the end of my subscription?

Before your minimum term has passed you'll receive a text & email informing you of this and offering you the opportunity to upgrade. To initiate the return of your device upon receiving this reminder, please contact us quoting your name, home address, phone number and details of the order.